The Dalziel + Scullion studio is located within the University of Dundee in Scotland. In much of their artworks Dalziel + Scullion explore the subject of ecology, either by re-evaluating our engagement with other species or by looking at aspects of how we interact with our environment. The studio creates artworks in photography, video, sound and sculpture that explore new artistic languages around the subject of ecology.

Dalziel + Scullion have exhibited in national and international exhibitions including the British Art Show and the Venice Biennale and have been awarded numerous awards and prizes including being short-listed for the international Artes Mundi Prize 2008. Dalziel + Scullion have been invited speakers at a number of conferences and symposiums on the subject of art and ecology including: Tipping Point, a conference of invited artists and scientists to explore the wider cultural issues around climate change at the Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Berlin; the Scottish Governments Arts and Environment Scotland; Climate Change - Gauging the Temperature at The University of Wales; Art In The Land University of Glasgow; Fieldworks at Tate Modern; and Art and Nature at Tate Britain.

For more information the work of the studio see

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